Remembering July 22nd

Thirteen years ago, 77 people were killed in the 2011 Utøya/Oslo terrorist attack in Norway. These days toward the end of July will always carry the weight of that day, of the trauma, pain, and damage caused, and of the memory of those we lost.

It is in their honor and in honor of all those who struggle to live on after terrorist attacks around the world we continue to fight back - to build the conditions for communities resilient to radicalization and to detect and disrupt terrorist activities.

To this end, we founded the Khalifa Ihler Institute, our peacebuilding organization, and Revontulet, which helps clients understand the evolving threats and take proactive action to protect their interests.

The mission to end terrorism has become the mission of my life.

This work has taken me around the world, engaging politicians and policymakers, law enforcement, local communities, researchers and national security agencies, regulators, and corporations.

Irrespective of where I go, I always come back to Oslo, Norway. The attack 13 years ago has inspired and influenced extremists, but it has also fuelled resistance and inspired efforts to fight back.

Online extremist networks have been taken down, and terrorist attacks have been foiled as we keep working around the globe, around the clock, for a safer world for all.

Every year, terrorism kills and injures thousands. Our work has reached further than I ever imagined but is sadly more needed than ever.

The global effort against extremism is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s also not one I run alone. Over the years, we’ve grown the Revontulet and Khalifa Ihler Institute team and worked with partners and clients across sectors, people who care deeply about building safety.

As the network of supporters expands, so does the impact of our work. Inevitably, the infrastructure needs to be solidified to carry that forward sustainably. To that end, Revontulet has now been incorporated in Norway.

While continuing to serve our global clients, including the U.S.-based tech sector, we look forward to taking a greater part of the Norwegian, Nordic, and European startup and impact ecosystems and working with local industries ranging from telecom and shipping to energy production and insurance to increase public safety.

We will continue to expand our network and our impact.

To do this, we need to work together.

Get in touch so we can discuss how we can help tackle safety challenges for your staff, clients, infrastructure, supply chains, and operations. Let’s talk about how we can make your community safer, how we can help map the safety impact of your investments, and how you can invest in our efforts to build a safer world for all.

For me, July 22nd will always be a milestone date. Today carries the weight of those we lost, our memory of them, and the futures they never had. In their memory, we keep fighting every day for a safer world for all.


On the Southport Attack


Revontulet at Megaweek