The team makes Revontulet the company it is today

Whether your services are being exploited by malicious actors, you are operating or building a business facing security threats, or you need support in meeting regulatory requirements, Revontulet stands ready to serve as your threat intelligence partner. 

We provide the insights, analysis, and tools to protect you from harm and mitigate risk.

Revontulet is a human-centric company, founded on principles of integrity and empathy. Our company operates with cultural sensitivity, recognizing the nuances of global threats. Building on our core values of pluralism, creativity, and courage we embrace diverse voices and offer unique perspectives as we remain steadfast in our mission to build a safer world for all.

Our team has made significant contributions to the field of counterterrorism and the prevention and countering of violent extremism. We have supported law enforcement in the prevention of attacks, contributed to dismantling international extremist networks and worked with partners to develop policies and procedures to mitigate harm. Together with some of the largest tech companies in the world, we have removed the capacity of extremist networks to abuse online services to recruit, coordinate, and spread propaganda.

To achieve this we have fostered a dynamic culture built on trust, and accountability, ensuring that each team-member’s voice matters.

We provide the insights, analysis, and tools to protect you from harm and mitigate risk.