Proud Boys Fact Sheet

Who Are The Proud Boys

The Proud Boys are a neo-fascist violent extremist organization with semi-autonomous chapters in America, Canada, Oceania, and Europe. They continue to function as a vector for far-right radicalization, mainstreaming their tactics and mobilizing significant sections of the population from the populist center to the far-right. Efforts to counter disinformation campaigns on social media will be vital to disrupting efforts to spread conspiracy theories about the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

Ideology and Philosophy

Researchers and even other chapters of the Proud Boys have called the U.S. Proud Boys’ actual ideological beliefs into question. Our qualitative and behavioral data suggest that the actions of the group and its leaders do not match their words with regard to their denials about racism, antisemitism, and misogyny. Ultimately, we consider the Proud Boys are a white nationalist organization that uses coded language and humor to obfuscate their true ideology and advance their agenda.

Involvement in January 6th Attack

The coordination with extremist groups and the Proud Boys’ affinity for President Trump were crucial to laying the groundwork for the attack on the Capitol on January 6th. They would not have participated in the attack on the Capitol without wanting to see President Trump maintain his presidency. Without the long history of coordination with like-minded extremist groups, they would have lacked the numbers and the strategic benefit. You can read our full analysis of the involvement of the Proud Boys in January 6th, authored for the January 6th Select Committee here.

Impact on the LGBTQ+ Community

The Proud Boys' ideology and activities are fueled by hate and intolerance. They have a long history of homophobic and transphobic rhetoric and actions, which directly conflicts with the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. Their tactics of intimidation and violence have no place in our democracy, and their efforts to undermine the legitimacy of the 2024 Presidential Election must be countered at every turn.

What Can Be Done?

Efforts to counter disinformation campaigns and coordinated harms on social media will be vital to disrupting efforts to spread conspiracy theories about the upcoming elections.

We must remain vigilant and actively monitor the Proud Boys' activities as they continue to be willing to co-attend rallies with explicitly racist groups, associate with explicitly racist public figures, and continue sharing racist tropes on social media.

It is also vital to support and amplify the voices of marginalized communities, including the LGBTQ+ community, and to work towards creating a society that embraces pluralism. We must stand up against hate and intolerance in all forms and work towards a future where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

Sources & Notes:

  • This fact sheet is based on the Khalifa Ihler Institute's report on the Proud Boys' role and involvement in the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol, and our analysis of their activities and impact on the LGBTQ+ community and the rich behavioral data they have collected on the extremist group since they formed in 2016.

  • It is also informed by years of ethnographic research with members of the group which highlights rhetorical tactics which are being deployed in advance of Pride Month 2023.

  • It also contains defector narratives by individuals who have since left the Proud Boys and been the recipient of their harassment.

  • Readers are invited to learn more on the gender dynamics of radicalization here.


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