The Road Ahead - Revontulet Intelligence

Since establishing Glitterpill LLC in the summer of 2022, we have worked with municipalities, cities, and civil society organizations to understand risks and localized threats, develop strategic interventions, and keep citizens safe. We have worked with tech giants to map and prevent the abuse of their tools, services, and platforms by extremist groups around the globe.

Our investigations of private military companies and illicit networks committing war crimes in fragile areas and our role in defining terminology and policy to grapple with the complexities of active conflict zones have empowered our clients to take decisive action. This has protected not just our clients and their users but society as a whole from harm.

During these past two years, our network-based approach and data-driven intelligence have allowed us to push the envelope in understanding and taking action against harms across platforms, ecosystems, and national barriers. Thanks to our continued investigations, entire networks and hundreds of social accounts spreading extremist content, contributing to the amplification of harmful behaviors, have been removed. 

We’re in this for the long game. Our work spans multiple continents, cultures, ideologies, and languages, and we continue growing. Embarking on our third year, we will continue to undermine the ability of extremists, terrorists, and illicit networks to abuse our shared infrastructure to keep everyone safe.

Extremism and terrorism do not exist in a vacuum. We understand our work as one piece of a larger tapestry, interwoven with efforts for the good of humanity. In the coming years, we will continue to expand the reach of our work, broaden our horizons, and work with new stakeholders, clients, and partners. We will be working with venues and event organizers to keep audiences safe, the logistics sector to ensure the safety and efficiency of vital supply chains, and the financial industry to prevent the abuse of both assets and infrastructure by those seeking to do harm.

We have changed as our work has expanded, and our impact and reach have grown.  While we remain dedicated to preserving democracy from extremism, we are no longer solely focused on the "pilled" alt/far-right extremist groups.  

To reflect our growth, global reach, evolution, and the timeless nature of our work, we will continue under a name that better speaks to who we are and aspire to be. We searched for a timeless name that spans cultures and doesn't tie us to a specific era, language, or ideology — a name that could grow with us, that encapsulates the global nature of our work, and that we could imbue with meaning as we evolve and continue to push the envelope.

The name we chose is Revontulet.

Revontulet is Finnish for “northern lights” and translates to “fox-fire.” In Finnish folklore, the aurora stems from the sparks of fur from an arctic fox running across the night sky.

Meanwhile, the name also allows us to reflect on the qualities we embody: The aurora ties together the northern and southern hemispheres, bringing light to our darkest days and expanding across the horizon. Arctic foxes are clever, curious, and playful. While our work spans the globe, the Nordic name allows us to maintain a sense of our roots, from which our global reach and impact grow.

Revontulet will continue to take a human-centered approach to building public safety in collaboration with our network of clients and partners, and support new clients, sectors, and communities as they grapple with the threats of terrorism and violent extremism. 

Our new name is not just a rebrand but a commitment to continue building on the foundation we've laid, to expand our work. We will continue delivering world-class intelligence products and building intelligence-gathering capabilities and infrastructure to best serve our clients, advance our field, and build a safer world for all.


Mis or Dis - Referendums and the Far-Right: An Irish Example